Sunday, November 22, 2009


Welcome to the first post of my newest blog! If you haven't already guessed, I am Valentino's wife - also known as Bonnie. I know it is unusual for a woman of today to define herself as someone's wife instead of as herself first - but I have been blessed to find myself because of my great husband! Who I am is shaped by my faith and family first and foremost!
Let me set a few ground rules for my blog and anyone who would like to post. I have personal spiritual and political values that may or may not be discussed here from time to time. This is my blog and I pretty much will share on a variety of topics - everything (almost) is fair game here - but the limits of that disclaimer 'almost' is set by me. All I ask is everyone understands that they need to forget personal attacks and to be respectful of other's viewpoints! Everyone is welcome here - I will rarely if ever ban anyone - but I do reserve the right to delete totally offensive comments - but please understand that although I do not wish to get us tangled in all the legalities of things, everyone is responsible for their own comments. I take no responsibility for others legally. By the same token all of my work here is personal intellectual property - you may quote or link to anything here but anything you use - please give proper credit back to me!
Other than this -- welcome! Come in to my world for a bit, sit back with a cup of tea or coffee or whatever - relax and let's chat a bit! Your comments will always be more than welcome!

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